The Menopause Shift

A 30-day program for perimenopausal and menopausal women to naturally reset your hormones… and your life.

In just 15-20 minutes a day, you’ll be guided through powerful practices designed to support your menopause journey.

Are you 40-plus and noticing changes in your body? 

✨ Are you wondering why you don’t feel like yourself anymore?   

✨ Are you craving carbs or sugar to boost your energy?   

✨ Do you suffer from night sweats or insomnia?   

✨ Are you feeling irritable and exhausted?  

✨ Have you noticed annoying changes to your shape, skin and bodily functions?  

✨ Are you gaining weight even though you’re exercising!!!  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not going crazy!  

You’re not just another irrational, befuddled, frustrated woman dealing with a foggy brain, a constant craving for chocolate and an over-reliance on caffeine.  

In fact, you have more than likely started the first stage of your menopause journey, referred to as perimenopause  

… And one of the biggest mistakes we make during perimenopause is ignoring our emotional and psychological symptoms, and instead feeling more and more rubbish about ourselves.  

We might blame our lack of self-control. We might put it down to the increasing day-to-day stresses in our lives. We might even lash out and blame the loved ones closest to us.  

Mood swings, weight gain, vaginal dryness, acne, anxiety, aching joints, depression, insomnia and irritability are common during perimenopause and menopause.

Yet many women dismiss their symptoms as normal, putting them down to stress and general ‘growing older’.

As a result, they suffer needlessly.  

Despite great progress in recent years, we are STILL not talking enough about the real and often debilitating effects that perimenopause and menopause have on a woman’s mind, body and emotions.   

Many of us women believe that hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, a decline in work performance and the loss of our identity are just something we have to tolerate.

 But in actual fact…

With the right tools, you can manage your perimenopause and menopause symptoms simply and naturally.  

You don’t have to endure uncomfortable symptoms that affect your quality of life.

You don’t have to take pharmaceuticals for years and years to manage them.

You just don’t have to put up with this anymore!

 In fact, a simple, straightforward, holistic approach could significantly improve your quality of life during this transitional phase of your life, and leave you better placed than ever to live your best life.   

That’s why I created

this program for women!


The Menopause Shift

 This program is designed especially for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause symptoms. 

✨It was developed to help you regulate your hormones and rebalance your mind and body.  

✨This program boosts energy, improves mood, and reduces menopause symptoms.  

✨It is designed to fit seamlessly into your life, bringing you relief from symptoms and a renewed sense of well-being.   

And includes tapping into the power of your unconscious to help reset your internal balance.  

Using scentifically proven therapies such as hypnotherapy, you gain control over unwanted emotions, feelings and physical symptoms.  

While this program is highly effective in reducing overall menopause symptoms, don’t just take my word for it. 

Here is what others say about the power of hypnotherapy


"Thank you so much for the hypnotherapy session. I really felt a difference afterwards; I was ready to face an upcoming challenge, which I had previously thought I was not up to, as I didn’t have the confidence. Not only did I calm and more confident to pursue the things I want. My confidence continues to grow, and I am now I feel a really change in myself. I highly recommend Tanya’s Hypnotherapy for any issue you may have. Once again, thank you.”

– V.S, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

“I absolutely enjoyed my hypnotherapy experience with Tanya I felt safe and understood which allowed me to go very deep. With Hypnotherapy I was able to shift blocks fast! That may have been there longer than I have known. I loved the way I felt afterwards. It was as if a weight had been lifted."

– M.H, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia

“My Hypnotherapy sessions with Tanya were an amazing experience. The different therapies Tanya uses helped me to heal and learn strategies for managing my own wellbeing. Tanya as a therapist has a lot of integrity and empathy. I found her to be intuitive and insightful. During my sessions, I had the space to express myself. I felt listened to and understood. I would recommend Tanya as a therapist to any time that wants to heal and create real change in their life.."

-J.C, Monbulk, Victoria, Australia

This program is for you if you want to: 

Feel like YOU again, mentally and physically during your menopause journey.

Reach your health goals.

Feel confident in your body during menopause.



Natural Relief

So, are you struggling to find relief from your menopause symptoms?   


A common misconception many women have about menopause symptoms is that you have to tolerate them as part of the natural aging process.    

Maybe you’ve tried several remedies and supplements. 

Maybe you were told by the medical profession, “It’s just a phase. it will pass”  

… And yet, here you are, still stuck, wondering,

Why don’t I feel like myself?  


Are you tired of relying on artificial treatments to manage your menopause symptoms?

You might have tried:

🌺 HRT- and experienced side effects and uncertainties.

🌺 Expensive supplements that require handfuls of pills every day.

🌺 Intensive workouts three times a week, which drain your energy further.

🌺 Endless creams, lotions, and patches that never seem to make a lasting difference.

What if there was a natural, effective alternative?

Hypnotherapy offers a gentle, yet powerful way to help you naturally manage menopause symptoms. By addressing the root causes of discomfort—stress, hormone imbalance, sleep disruption, and emotional challenges—hypnotherapy empowers your mind and body to restore balance without the need for invasive treatments, excessive supplements, or exhausting routines.

Find relief and reclaim your energy with a natural approach that works with your body, not against it.

Why Hypnotherapy?

Recent scientific research indicates that hypnotherapy is a highly effective and natural method for managing menopause symptoms. It can alleviate hot flashes, sleeplessness, anxiety, mood swings, and pain. Hypnotherapy is also effective for maintaining a healthy weight and supporting weight loss.  

I believe that women should benefit from taking a holistic approach to managing their menopause symptoms, without needing to rely on unnatural chemicals and long-term regimens.  

That’s why I developed The Menopause Shift program.  

It supports you to feel like yourself again.  

You have 2 choices on how you want your menopause journey to go…

Without The Menopause Shift  

Feel anxious, irritable  tired, and on a constant rollercoaster with your emotions.   

Difficulty sleeping and exhausted all day – even a caffeine boost can’t seem to energize you enough.   

Not recognizing your body physically or emotionally, including dealing with weight gain, mood swings or brain fog.  

 With The Menopause Shift  

Feel like yourself again – in control mentally and physically.    

Sleep well and feel energized enough to get back to the activities you enjoy.  

Improved focus and concentration that enhances your work productivity.  

Be confident,strong and empowered in your menopause body. Relieve those aches and pains, maintain a healthier weight and clear that mind of brain fog.   


 Which choice will bring you closer to having the journey you want during menopause?  

Do you want your menopause years to be full of irritability, sleepless nights, poor work performance and exhaustion? 

Or are you ready to be the happiest version of you, for yourself  by having an enjoyable experience during your menopause journey?

The Menopause Shift   


A 30-day program for perimenopausal and menopausal women. To restore their mental and physical health during menopause.

A scientifically proven method using the powerful combination of hypnotherapy and holistic therapies to rewire your mind for relief of uncomfortable menopause symptoms.

During The Menopause Shift, we focus on 5 key areas that bring a feeling of harmony to your mind, body and emotions.

Area One- Balance and Restore

You embark on your menopause reset journey by creating a stable foundation and rebalancing your system. You’ll be introduced to powerful therapies to set you up for success over the next 30 days. In this area you will be supported to:

💖 Regulate cortisol levels and balance your hormones  

💖 Calm your anxiety  

💖 Reduce your stress 

💖 Balance your mood and feel less irritability 


Area Two: Sleep and Rest

Next, we turn to one of the most crucial areas. You’ll work on reprogramming your subconscious mind to promote quality sleep and rest. In area two you will focus on:

💖 Establish good sleep hygiene   

💖 Reduce fatigue in menopause  

💖 Remedies to help with night sweats  

💖 Sleep well so you feel energized 

💖 Support you with getting back to sleep  

💖 Naturally, boosting your energy  

Area Three: Body Reset

You’ve now established a solid foundation, so it’s time to delve deeper and reset your body for optimal well-being. In this area, you’ll be supported with powerful therapies to:

💖 Ease hormone imbalance  

💖 Manage hormonal weight and sugar cravings 

💖 Control emotional eating   

💖Reduce hot flushes  

💖 Elevate body pain  

Area Four: Mind Reset

It’s time to take your menopause journey to a deeper level. You’ll be introduced to powerful techniques that clear the mind, enhancing focus and concentration. In this area you’ll be supported to:

💖 Clear brain fog  

💖 Improve memory  

💖 Maintaining focus  

💖 Cultivate a positive mindset  

💖 Improve your productivity and concentration at work

Area 5: Reconnect With Self

In this final stage, we guide your focus even deeper inward, allowing you to fully embrace your menopause transformation by centring on the most important  relationship that you have the relationship with yourself! We will focus on: 

💖Cultivating a practice self-compassion  

💖Re-awaken your sense of self and identity 

💖 Rekindle your passion for life   

💖Develop a healthy sense of worthiness  

💖 Learn tools for enhancing your mental well-being 


I guess your next question is what’s the investment?  

 While my one-on-one clients invest thousands in coaching packages, this isn’t realistic for many of us…  

And I don’t want to see women struggling during what should be the best years of their lives.  

This is when I realized I can help women regain control of their health in a way that is accessible for their schedules and their wallets.    

 The truth is you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to get the support you need.

Not only that, you can get it from the comfort and convenience of your own home. 

Join The Menopause Shift Wait List Today
There are ONLY a limited number of places available inside the program .

Places Selling Fast Once Doors Open!



This program is for women who are ready to take control of their menopause symptoms and feel like themselves.

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors reopen.

 No program works unless you work it and because I’m so confident this program will give you results, I’m offering a money-back guarantee.

If you complete a MAJORITY of the program & it doesn’t help you, just email our team at: [email protected] requesting a refund within 30 days.

I’m here to help!

Tanya Francois

 ‘Hey, I’m Tanya, 

Let me share how this journey began.

At around 44, everything seemed to unravel.

I became moody, anxious, and depressed. Nights were the worst, my mind would race, I was unable to sleep, and when I finally got to sleep I would wake up in panic.  My body ached and felt fatigued as if I were crawling out of my own skin.

Then came the hot flashes—an indescribable sensation that hit hard.

Perimenopause had arrived, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

The impact on my mental health was undeniable, so I quickly set out to find solutions.

As a certified clinical hypnotherapist, counsellor, and holistic coach, I explored every modality in my toolkit to alleviate my symptoms.

And guess what? The results were astonishing.

By blending hypnotherapy with holistic techniques, I found relief. My anxiety eased, my sleep improved, and I regained focus. Goodbye, brain fog.

That’s how the Menopause Shift Program was born. I knew I had to share these tools to support other women who are battling the challenges of perimenopause.

It’s Time To  Make a Decison!

Option 1# Do Nothing 

There is a cost of inaction and normally this cost greatly outweighs the investment you know you need to take charge of your own health during menopause. Because let’s face ignoring your symptoms or relying on a male-dominated medical model is not going to help you! With menopause hormones & metabolism, delaying addressing your problems can make them worse and harder to reverse over time. This leads to more long term weight gain, exhaustion & health issues. To get different results, it’s time to take different action.

Option #2: Take Control of Your Health 

If you want to save yourself time, energy and your sanity during your 10-plus years of perimenopause so you can enjoy the best years of your life with support, education, and tools to conquer weight cycling, exhaustion & mood swings. Using one of the most scientifically proven methods to support your well-being through menopause, the choice is simple – join The Menopause Shift today.

Only 20 places are available inside the program.

Selling Fast!

Common Questions

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to help individuals achieve a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. This can aid in managing various conditions, including anxiety, stress, insomia and menopausal symptoms.

How can hypnotherapy help with menopause?

Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven to be highly effective in reducing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Studies have shown a 75%  reduction in symptoms by reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, improving sleep, and alleviating anxiety and mood swings.

Is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes, hypnotherapy is a safe and non-invasive method. It is conducted by a trained and certified hypnotherapist who guides you into a state of relaxation.

What if I have never been in hypnosis before?

Every person naturally enters a state of hypnosis at least twice every day: just before falling asleep at night, and upon awaking every morning, before getting out of bed. Most people easily enter “Environment Hypnosis” while at the movies, watching TV, driving on the highway, or reading a good book. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation.

How long will I have access to the program?

You have lifetime access to The Menopause Shift program, allowing you to use the resources for ongoing support in managing your symptoms. Additionally, you receive all updates and new resources added to the program in the future.

What should I expect during a hypnotherapy session?

While in hypnosis, you can expect to feel deeply relaxed and focused. You remain aware and in control, but your mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. It’s a calming experience, similar to daydreaming, where your body feels at ease and your mind receptive.

How much time do I need to complete the program?

The program is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Over 30 days, you’ll receive 4  hypnotherapy sessions and 4 soothing sleep hypnosis recordings that you can listen to as you drift off to sleep.  Each day, you’ll be guided through a 10 to 15-minute practice that supports your progress and reinforces the benefits of your sessions.

The program is flexible and convenient, requiring only small portions of your day while delivering powerful results. You can fit the sessions and practices into your routine without feeling overwhelmed,  The Menopause Shift is designed to support your needs without disrupting your schedule.

Secure Your Place Now!!!

There are ONLY limited Places available Inside The Menopause Shift!

Places fill fast!



 The information contained in this course  is general. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, or give specific medical advice. While all content is written by a registered counsellor and clinical hypnotherapist and strives to provide only accurate, scientific-based information, your specific health needs may or may not apply to the content contained on this website and related content. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat any specific medical condition . All content is copyrighted, and must be used only with permission and citation to Tanya Francois (DipCouns, DCHP; AHA; HCA ACA)    .

Tanya Francois is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damages which may result from the information and conent.