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How To Overcome Self Doubt

How To Overcome Self Doubt

Is Your Self Doubt Holding You Back? 

Self-doubt is a persistent little bugger. The voice in your head that likes to show up at the most inconvenient time. You start to contemplate a change or do something new. Then the voice of self-double decides to make an appearance. You are creating an internal conflict. You feel uncertain and question yourself. You allow that voice of self-doubt to hold you back and keep you stuck in what is familiar and safe.

Can you relate?

That persuasive voice of self-doubt talks you out of going for your dreams or, making a change. Self-doubt love to come up with all sorts of reasons why you shouldn’t try something different.


You start to :

  • Comparing yourselves to others,
  • Worry about what others will think if you try something new.
  • You question if you are doing the right thing by trying something new.
  • You ask yourself, am I good enough to even try?

The list of negativity goes on and on….



Self-doubt makes you feel stuck and debilitates you from making a change.

The battle between you and self-doubt is real.

Most of us have experienced self-doubt when wanting to move to something new. Often, we allow the voice of self-doubt to hold us back. It takes over our thoughts and stops us in our tracks from making change.

Once that voice of self-doubt takes hold. It’s not uncommon to take a step back, stand still and prevent yourself from moving forward. You retreat into your comfort zone. Where self-doubt finally starts to silence the negativity in your mind. You allowed self-doubt to win and you remain stuck in your old ways.

Overcoming self-doubt is confronting and uncomfortable. The butterfly in the stomach and fear takes hold. It feels easier and safer to stay with what is familiar and comfortable. But if you stay with what is comfortable you become stuck and dormant. You don’t grow to your full potential. Facing self-doubt allows you to be open to new experiences, pursue your dreams and live life to the fullest.

You make the decision that you are ready to move forward and embrace something new. The time has come to step up and overcome your self-doubt.

Get to know your self-doubt on a deeper level.

I know this may be thinking what! I want to get rid of my self-doubt not get to know it.

But, getting to know self-doubt will support you in overcoming your self-doubt.

The first step of getting to know yourself doubt is to listen to the words of self-doubt.

Start paying attention to the words that you say to yourselves. It can be easy to let the voice of self-doubt start planting the seeds of all the reasons why we can’t start something new. Then before you know self-doubt had done its job and stop you from moving forward. You retreat and don’t take the steps toward what we wanted. You need to start listening to what that voice is saying. What does your self-doubt say to you? Listen and note the words you say to yourself.

To overcome self-doubt, you need to be aware of how self-doubt is holding us back. Ask yourself how you hold yourself back because of your self-doubt

Is your self-doubt stopping you from trying something new?

Once you become more aware of what the voice of self-doubt is saying. You can see how your self-doubt is holding you back from all the new possibilities that are waiting for you.


Connect with the feeling

The next step is to connect with the feel.

Now that you are more aware, you can start exploring how it would feel to try something new. To know if something new is right we can use our body as a guide. When you think about the new experience, does it feel expansive or restrictive in the body? Became aware of your body and the feeling you get when you think about the new. If you feel expansive, your body is telling you it’s right for you.

Are you ready to start embracing something new?

Then this is how you can prevent your self-doubt from taking over. Focuses your mind on how this new experience will improve your life. Feel in your body. How will it feel to bring this experience into your life? Focusing on the improvement, the new will bring into your life. Seeing it feeling it helps quieten and calm the voice of self-doubt. Once you start to quieten self-doubt. You start building momentum towards making room for something new

Now we have a clear indication of the new experience, you want, and why you want it. You have quietened the voice of self-double by reassuring it. You are now feeling more open to new possibilities, and ready to embrace them.

Get clear about your why

What do you want and why do you want it?

You need to be clear about what new experience you want and why. Do you want a new job, start a new business, relationship, new hobby, or travel somewhere new? It’s important to be clear about what you want and why. Once you are clear about what new experience you want and why. You now have a powerful tool for overcoming that voice of self-doubt. Inspiration is not enough to keep you going when self-doubt takes over and feel like giving up. You must have a way to motivate you to push past the obstacles that self-doubt will bring up. Strong knowledge of why you want this new experience. Will help you keep your mind focused even when you feel like you are caught in the negative cycle of self-doubt.

Your why is the reason you will be determined to keep going because you are clear about what you what and why you want it.

 Write down you’re why statement and have it somewhere where you can see it and read it often. You know that voice of self-doubt decides to show up you have something more powerful you why.

Embrace the new and your self-doubt

It’s now time to start thinking about one step you can take towards the new experience you want. List down one step you can take to move towards something new you want to experience. Then take that step toward what you want.

I have personally found one of the best ways to overcome self-double, is to start taking small action steps towards the new experience I want to create. By starting and taking action. I’m moving towards what I want.

Once you start to take action steps towards what you want. The self-doubt slowly disappears.

Then you look back and realise how far we have come. By taking that one step towards that new experience, you wanted.

Start that thing you have been dreaming about, and don’t let your self-doubt hold you back. Allow yourself to be open to the possibilities of the new and let go of the old. Be ready to embrace all the new and exciting experiences that are coming your way.

Self-doubt can only hold you back if you allow it to. Know what you want, and why you want it.  See it, feel and believe it is possible for you. Even if self-doubt shows up you can overcome it by taking one step at a time towards your dreams.

Start taking those steps today.





Free Meditation to help you your self-doubt Click here

How to Make your needs a priority Read More 

How To Make Your Needs a Priority

How To Make Your Needs a Priority

Do you put others needs before your own needs?

Why do you feel the need to put yourselves last? 

Is it because you think it is selfish to put your needs first?

Often as children, we are told to think of others. We were encouraged to allow others to go before us and to think about their needs. When I was a child, this was considered good manners. Now I’m not suggesting that showing others kindness and empathy to another person is a negative thing. I want to explore how we carry these patterns into our adult life and put the needs of others first.

Why  don’t we  show ourselves the same kindness and empathy we are willing to show others? We make other people’s needs more important than our own needs.

On the odd occasion, you try and put your needs first what is your reaction?

Do you consider yourself selfish for even daring to think about yourself?

We push our own needs aside thinking by putting others first will make us a good person.

Does it actually make you feel good putting everyone else’s needs above your own?

By putting yourself last you are actually not able to effectively care for others.

On an aeroplane, the safety message says to put on your own oxygen mask before you try to help someone else.

This same principle could be applied to life. If you don’t help yourself and put your needs first, then what happens?  It feels like life energy is being drained out of you. You use all your energy to think and care about others and you end up neglecting your own needs.

Often you have pushed your own needs aside for so long it’s difficult to recognize what your needs are.

I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t think about others or care for them, I’m saying that if caring for everyone else at the expense of always putting yourself last, then how effectively can you care for others?



Have you heard the saying is you can’t pour from an empty cup?

Essentially, the saying means that in order for you to effectively take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

So how do you fill that cup?  Because the fact is, you are worthy of putting your need first.  In fact, it is essential that you recognize what your needs are and start putting yourself first. Now if you have been putting everyone else first this notion of putting yourself first is going to feel uncomfortable.  I’m sure your mind has started to come up with lots of excuses about you putting your needs first.

 Often the mind will say things like this:

  • You can’t do that
  • That selfish
  • What will others think
  • I have to take care of my children, mother, father, partner.

And let’s face it! the list could go on and on. But the fact of the matter is if you’re not taking care of yourself and putting your needs first who will take care of your needs?

Do you ever catch yourself feeling resentful about doing so much for everyone else and no one seems to notice or be thinking about your needs,

We teach others how to treat us and if you have always put everyone else first and our own needs last then this is what other will expect from us.

You are worthy of having your needs met. In fact, it is essential that you start taking care of yourself and your needs. Stop putting yourself last and start putting yourself first for a change.

I bet your next question is well that sounds great but how do I do that.

You do that by starting to fill your own bucket!

What does it mean to fill your own bucket? It means doing those things for yourself that you enjoy. You know those things that fill you up, energize you and give you joy in your life. Ultimately filling your own bucket.

Unfortunately, these are often the things we push aside and come up with all sorts of excuses for why we can’t do those things that fill us up. Leading to a leaking bucket feeling depleted and your bucket empty.

We are great at doing all we can to fill other’s bucket. But what about your bucket? How do you fill your bucket and prioritize yourself?

Filling your bucket is about doing those things that are important to you. The things that you have a passion for, make life fun and enjoyable. Your bucket is completely unique to you. We all have things that light us up.

What’s in your bucket?

It’s time for you to have some fun and create your buckets. As I mentioned your buckets are unique to you. Don’t look outwards to find the answer go within, give yourself some time to reflect on what is important to you.

Your bucket can take on many forms. It could be health, personal development self-care time. The list goes on.

There are no limitations to what your bucket is. It is about you getting clear about what is important to you in life.

Your mission if you’re ready to accept it is to create your buckets. Start by creating a list of all the things that are important to you. Those things that give you energy, support you or give you a whole lot of joy. Have fun and allow yourself to create your buckets.

Here is an example of what my buckets look like. These are the things that fill me up.

  •  Quality Time with my partner
  •  Connecting with my Spirituality
  •  Taking care of my mental health
  •  helping others
  • Learning new things
  • Travel

Create what’s important to you!

Now it’s time for you to create your own list of buckets of the things that are important to you.

Once you have your list of buckets. How are you going to make sure you fill each of them?

Create a plan and prioritise your buckets. These are the things that are important to you and create your fulfilling life.

You have two choices here. You can continue as you are and function on empty, or you can fill your bucket and feel full. It’s up to you.

We must take care of ourselves before we have the capacity to care for others.  Else we end up with an empty bucket and feeling unfilled.

Create your list of buckets and start filling them up!


Remember it’s not selfish to care for yourself it’s a necessary

A Guide to Travel in Lombok

A Guide to Travel in Lombok

Welcome to Lombok

You may not be as familiar with Lombok as you are with Bali. But let me reassure you Lombok has a lot of great things going for it.

Lombok is located east of Bali about a 2-hour boat trip or 1-hour flight from Bali.

Bali and Lombok may be similar in location, price and scenery however; there are some noticeable differences between the islands. The first thing you notices is Lombok has a different pace to Bali.

If you searching for a more laid back slower pace of life then Lombok is your location.

Lombok has fewer tourists than Bali and you can enjoy taking things slowly without the crowds.

How to get to Lombok?

There are a few options for travelling to Lombok Island. Lombok has an international airport located in the West Nusa Tenggara providence. However, if you are flying on a domestic flight be prepared for flight cancellation and check the luggage requirements, as the luggage is an extra cost to your ticket.

The other option is by fast boat. The fast boat is a more reliable mode of transportation. There are a lot of choices for fast boats across from Bali to Lombok. I used blue water express on the way over and Gili Gateway on the way back to Bail. The boat ran on time and best of all!! no extra cost for luggage. The boat company will include transportation to your hotel once you reach your destination. Depending on the sea you may be in for a bumpy ride across to your destination. I recommend some seasick tablets just to be safe.

Once you arrive at Lombok you a greeted by lush green mountains and spectacular views of the sea.

Where to stay in Lombok?

I chose to stay at two different locations so that I could explore different parts of the island. The first location I stayed was in Senggigi. Which is around the middle of the Island on the west coastline. Senggigi has a tropical green feel. The beaches are not suitable for swimming, but they do make a beautiful  backdrop for some lovely scenery. I stayed at the Chandi Boutique Resort Located in Jalan Raya Senggigi.

Chandi Resort is a small resort located right on the beach. The resort offers a quiet and very peaceful location. It’s possible to walk to some of the local shops. I discovered a cute little French bakery right across the road Nico Boulangerie. The resort does have a restaurant and there are some great choices for food either  eastern and western meals.


The other location I stayed was Kuta. Which is down the southern end of Lombok. Kuta is more of a tourist place and had a lot of great things going for it. Kuta is in the midst of more development and I predict will be a tourist hot spot in the next few years. You will be spoilt for a choice of amazing restaurants and café’s in the main street of Kuta

I stayed at Jati Villas.

Welcome to paradise!

These villas are relatively new and opened in early 2022. As soon as you walk into the villas you are greeted by the most perfect tropical garden. The villas are all individual. You have your own private garden and best of all pool. The villas have the option of one bed or two beds. They are traditional teak villas and are set up with everything you need to enjoy your stay. The villas are located just off the main street of Kuta. Which means it’s quit. The main street of Kuta is an easy 5-minute walk.

What to do Lombok?

You have an endless array of choices, particularly if you enjoy nature. Choice from beautiful rice fields, waterfalls, and spectacular beaches to lush mountain rangers. Lombok offers some great options if you enjoy the great outdoors.

Here are my recommendations.

Tetebatu Walking Tour – Rice Terraces, Waterfall & Monkey Forest

Tour by : Edi Tour Guide in Tetebatu

This tour makes you feel like you have entered another world. Leave your troubles behind and put on your best walking shoes and set off to enjoy some of the best views Lombok has to offer. Be prepared to get a little wet and muddy, but it is well worth it. Getting to Tetebtu waterfall is an adventure in itself. You will walk through the green rice field, a tunnel filled with water, cross a bamboo bridge and finally, you hear the rush of water as you enter the magical place of Tebebatu waterfall.

This waterfall directly flows from Mount Rinjani. Enjoy a swim in the cool water or, just sit back and relax on a rock and enjoy taking in the serenity of this place.

You will then make your way through to the rice fields that offer the most spectacular views of the Tetebatu rice farms. Take in the view it’s well worth the walk.

Then it’s time to visit Durian Indah waterfall. There an entry fee that was paid to the local community was included in our guided tour. The entry into the waterfall may set your heart racing.

To get to the waterfall you need to cross a bamboo bridge that is high up above a lovely stream running below. If you are scared of heights, be prepared for a little heart-racing moment. As you cross the bamboo bridge (I was very grateful once I made it to solid ground on the other side). You then make your way down the steps to the waterfall. Your guide is there to help you every step of the way.

Once you arrive at Durian Indah waterfall there is a  peaceful stream and two waterfalls. You can enjoy sometime swimming under the waterfall as it cascades off the rocks, or perch yourself on a rock and enjoy the tranquil sound of the rushing water. Be sure to stay for a while and rest, as you then have a bit of a walk ahead of you.

Then it’s time to head off back through the rice fields into the national park and look for some wild monkeys in “Monkey Forest”. It can take some time to find where the monkeys are located. They were high in the trees and the guides pointed them out. There truly is nothing like seeing animals in their natural habit.

Our tour guide Edi was amazing, I highly recommend this tour as a must-do.



Lombok tours

Local Villages 

Sukara Weaving village

Sukarere is the centre of Sasak woven cloth production. This village is located in Jonggat District, Central Lombok. Sukarere is about a 30-minute drive from Mataram.

Sasak is the ethnic group that lives in this village. A Sasak woman must learn the skills of traditional woven cloth. According to Sasak tradition, a woman is not allowed to marry the men they love if they cannot weave. The art of waving is taught at a young age to girls many starting at the age of nine.

Take a free tour around the village. Try your hand at some waving. You will be in awe of the skills this takes and the length of time to proceed with woven cloth. It takes up to 6-8 weeks to produce one beautiful woven cloth.

Be sure to visit Panji Sari Women’s group weaving village shop. This is a co-op that helps support the women in the village. They sell their weaving in the co-op and the proceeds got to short the women in the village.



Sade Village

The traditional Sade Village is located in Pujut District, Central Lombok,

A quiet village unspoiled by modern life. You feel like you take a step back in time. Don’t be fooled this village is not maintained just as a tourist attraction. The village continues to keep up all in traditional ways of life for 15 generations.

Once you enter the Sade Village, you are greeted by a local guide, who will assist you in getting all the information you need about the history and way of life within the village.

There are about 150 traditional houses in Sade Village. These houses have unique roofs, which are shaped like mountains and are built with reed grass. The walls and floors are made of clay mixed with rice bran, then covered with woven bamboo on the outer sides. The buildings of these houses have the title Bale Tani Gunung Ratu, which means they are shaped like a mountain with a flat base.

It is important to note that all houses in the Sade Village area are residential houses, not exhibition buildings. Approximately 750 people live in the village. Tourists must remain respectful of the village, as the village is kind enough to open their homes to share with us their way of life.

Lombok Temples 

Lombok offers a diverse range of templates with some significant history. I chose to visit a few different temples.

Meru Temple (Pura Meru)

Once you arrive at the front of the temple, it is best to use a local guide to show you through at explaining the history. A local guide is available at the front of the temple for the cost of $10 AUD, and will give you a guided tour.

Meru Temple is the biggest and is one of the oldest Balinese Hindu temples on Lombok Island. Built during the Dutch colonization by prince Bali Anak Agung Made Karang in 1744 this temple was a fortress during the second military aggression with the Dutch.

Situated in the heart of Mataram, the colossal Pura Meru Temple is the largest Hindu place of worship in Lombok. Consisting of thirty-three shrines within its grounds.

Pura Lingsar

Just 6km east of Mataram, in the village of Lingsar. This temple is a must-see. It is a large temple and is considered the holiest in Lombok. It was built in 1714 by King Anak Agung Ngurah and is nestled amongst lush rice fields.

Pura Lingsar is multi-denominational, with a temple for Balinese Hindus (Pura Gaduh) and one for followers of Lombok’s mystical take on Islam, the Wektu Telu religion.

Pura Lingsar, is the largest temple in size and the most important temple in Lombok.

A local guide will give you a guided tour and explain the extensive history. Tours cost about ($10-$15 Aud). Allow an hour to an hour and a half, to visit this stunning temple.

 Vihara Avalokitesvara

A traditional Buddhist temple. The temple is free to enter. A tour of the temple was freely given, by the locals explaining the history of the 16th-century Buddhist Temple. A wonderful piece of history and a well-maintained Buddhist temple



I would suggest that Kuta is the most tourist place on the main island of Lombok. It gives you the luxury of choice. You can do as much or as little as you want. Kuta offers a cute little town. The main street is an abundance of great restaurants and café. If you are up for some shopping, there are plenty of small boutiques and surf shops. There are also some small local markets scatted around the town. You are sure to pick up a few bargains. You notice that Kute is relatively quiet during the day, and then at night, all the tourists seem to make their way to the main street. Honesty, it’s not overall busy.  It’s  still easy enough to get a seat for dinner, or to walk around and enjoy the ampere in the main streets.



If you want to venture a little further than the main town of Kuta you need transportation. The most common way to get around is by scooter. You can hire a scooter for as little as $15-20 Aud a day. It is relatively safe to ride and the roads have very little traffic on them. The other option is to rent a car or, a driver to take you around.


Lombok offers some of the most scenic and spectacular beaches. With cliffs and lush mountains reaching to the coastline. It creates an inspiring landscapes and amazing views. The beaches are some of the best in Indonesia. Kuta offers pristine white sand and transparent blue greens in the water. It should also be noted that Kuta has some of the best surfing in the world. Half the fun of being in Kuta is discovery. I rented a bike and head off towards the coast. I found some of the best beaches and best of all there was not another person in sight. My recommendation is to head off along the coast towards Selong Belanak Beach. Along the way be sure to take a few detours down the dirt roads. You are greeted by some of the most spectacular coastlines.

Selong Belanak Beach is well worth a visit. You find more tourists here however, is easy enough to find a quiet place to take in the beautiful scenery. There are also some small local cafes along the beach. It’s lovely to sit under an umbrella and enjoy a cool drink.

Please note that at some of the main tourist beaches you will need to pay parking and entry fees. 10,000 Indonesian rupiah ($1 Aud)

The beach that is located around the new motorbike track Mandalika is well worth a visit. Bukit Merese beach offers some of the most incredible views. You can enjoy a fall 360c view from the hilltop of the pristine beaches in one direction, Mandalika track and beautiful cliff tops.

Restore and Relaxation

On holidays who doesn’t need a little R and R. If wellness is your thing, then I highly recommend a class at Ashtari Yoga  . I did a Ying class and I have to say it was perfect. The Yoga studio is built on a hillside that overlooks Kuta town. You can see the tree canopies below and the beaches of Kuta. Well worth a visit at sunset. If yoga is not your thing you can still enjoin this fabulous location of Ashtari restaurant is a must on the to-do list. The restaurant is open and airy. Take a seat by the open window and gaze out across the hillside at the spectacular view. The food is some of the best we had in Lombok and offers a variety of Indian and western options.

Let’s talk spa. If you need some pampering then I recommend heading to Matcha spa located on Kuta’s main street. You will need a booking an appointment, as the spa is popular with tourist.  The spa offers a variety of Massage options. All at very reasonable prices.

There are so many reasons to visit Lombok. Lombok has so much to offer with its stunning scenery, secluded beaches coral reefs and mossy mountains. Oh, and did I mention its well-priced accommodation, its amazing choice of food, and its attractions.

What is not to love about a trip to Lombok?

Happy travels!

An Introverts Guide to Pursuing Your Passion

An Introverts Guide to Pursuing Your Passion

As an introvert, you can be quick to talk yourself out of pursuing your passion.

As an introvert, you can be quick to talk yourself out of pursuing your passion. That little voice loves to tell you all the reasons why you should stay in your comfort zone and not pursue what you truly want. Your passion and dreams!

That voice gets louder and louder. Maybe it sounds something like this… I’m not confident enough, I’m too quiet I’m too shy, I don’t know where to begin. I’m not extroverted enough. Who wants to hear what I have to say. I’m not interesting enough. The voice goes on and on until you talk yourself out of taking the first step towards your passion. It can feel like a constant battle inside your mind, back and forth. Untimely holding yourself back from pursuing your passion.

Just because you are, an introvert does not mean that you have to put your passion and dreams on hold. You have so much within you to share. Don’t let that voice in your mind, fill you with self-doubt or hold you back. You have your unique way of sharing your gifts and passion with the world. You may not be loud and extroverted. But you have your own beautiful way of communicating . It’s time to allow yourself to pursue that passion you have put on hold for so long.

The first step to pursuing a passion is to get clear about what you are passionate about.

Let’s start with the big question. You want to be crystal clear about what you are passionate about, your hopes and dreams for your life.

Take out your journal, or a piece of paper and start by answering these questions:

What are you passionate about?

What do you love to do?

What lights you up?

Who or what do you want to give back to?

It may be helpful to take some time free write in your journal about your passions. Don’t overthink it or edit your writing.  Allows the words to flow onto the page.

Freewriting often provides amazing insights. Because you’re not trying to censor or control the experience.

Give it a go and see what come through for you.

Once you have answered these questions you have a clearer guide about what your passion is. Remember your passion will be unique to you. Don’t allow yourself to get caught in the comparison trap and try to fit into what you see others doing. You have your own specific talents, gifts and dreams that are meant for you. Define exactly what you are passionate about; you may have more than one passion. Good for you!

Step two requires you to dive a little deeper and look at yourself honestly.

Now you’re clear about what your passion is. Let’s explore a little more.

How do you hold yourself back from pursuing that passion?

This is no time to hideaway. You need to get real with yourselves. Your passion is too important.

Answer this question :

How are you holding yourself back from pursuing your passion or passions?

You’re the only one who knows the truth about how you hold yourself back. Explore all the ways you hold yourself back. Is it confidence, self-doubt, negative self-talk? Make a list of how you hold back. Create the time and space to understand how you hold back, from pursuing your passion.

We can often get stuck in our own way. We ruminate over and over again in our mind all the reasons why we shouldn’t or couldn’t do what we are passionate about.  We block ourselves and feel defeated before we even begin. By being aware of the tactics your mind uses to hold you back in your comfort zone. You can quickly defuse your thoughts process and get back on track to pursuing that passion of yours.

Now you have more insight about the favorite tactic you use to hold back. Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back?

 It will mean you need to face some uncomfortable feelings and step outside your comfort zone. This can feel unsettling and scary. Your reaction could be to back away and tell yourself it’s all too hard. Another tactic the mind will use to try and keep you within the place that stays the same and predictable.

But your passion is worth it. Please please know that you are worth it. The awareness of your thoughts, feeling and emotions, is a critical step. It allows you to recognize and letting go of what is holding you back.

Understand you’re why.

This is step three.  At this stage of your journey, take small steps. Be kind to yourself. Your mind will come up with lots of reasons why you shouldn’t pursue this passion. Be ready for it. You are more aware and prepared to recognize the tricks the mind plays to stop you from moving forward.

The secret to being ready is to be clear about your “why” Your why is the reason you want to pursue this passion.

Ask yourself right now why do you want this?

What makes pursuing your passion important to you?

Take to reflect and understand why YOU want this. It will set you up for success as you embark on this journey of pursuing your passion.

Remind yourself not to look to the outside world to give you yours why. Only you hold the answer to why this is important to you. You’re why is unique to you. Be very clear with yourself why you want to pursue this passion.

Once you have your why you have an amazing tool you can draw upon anytime you try and hold yourself back. Your why will be your reason to keep moving towards achieving this passion. Write you’re why down somewhere you can see it. It will act as a reminder when you face the challenge of that little voice. That creeps in expertly and tries to come up with a reason why you shouldn’t keep going with your passion.

The final step .

Say YES!

You want to make this a double yes. Say yes to your passion and say yes to yourself. Give yourself permission to bring your passion alive. To create what you want. By saying yes to you and your passion, you give yourself another tool to overcome self-doubt. Saying yes helps you to find the inspiration to take the next steps towards that passion of yours.

Move towards that passion of yours. Your a fully aware that that voice in your mind will come up with all sorts of reasons why you shouldn’t pursue your passion. You’re ready for it, you have the tools and awareness to keep moving towards that passion with confidence and purpose.  Go and take the first step today!

Small steps in the right direction towards your passion can turn out to be the biggest steps to changing  your life


Resources to support you

Free guided hypnotherapy for Manifesting your dreams and passion. Listen here 

Hope you feel inspired to start pursuing your passion. If you need more support, please click here

The Pathway of change

The Pathway of change

A guide to navigating change in your life)

At one point or another, we need to walk the pathway of change.

Change is never easy. I will admit I never enjoy change. I like it when things are predictable and I have a plan.

I will confess I like to feel I am in control.

Our world has gone through a massive change and so many have felt the impact on a global scale.

When we experience change, it feels scary and unstable. The mind likes to keep us safe. It will often bring up thoughts that fill us with fear. Not helpful! but the mind thinks it’s doing a good job at keeping us safe from harm. The mind likes to keep things familiar and predictable. The reality is most of us like to have some predictability in our life.

When a change in your life occurs, how do you manage it is the question.

Change is like walking down an unfamiliar pathway. We are met with an uncertainty of where it will lead, we may encounter detours, and we are not too sure of what we will encounter along the way. Deep down we hope the change will lead to something even better in our life. Yet, that uncertain voice inside of us will present all the “what-if scenarios”. We like to be prepared and have a plan in case something goes wrong.

While we are walking the pathway of change how do we navigate the array of feelings and thoughts that come up?

Here are three practices that can help you with navigating change in you life

1. Discover the resources you have within you

We all go through many phases of change within our lifetime. Reminding ourselves that we have been through change before. Think for a moment about who you are today. All the changing versions of yourself, you have experienced over your lifetime.

A great way to recognise what changes you have been through is to look back and think about all the changes you have gone through .

Take out a piece of paper find a quiet place and allow 15 minutes to create your change list.

Write down a list of all the changes you can think of that you have gone through up until today.

From the list look at the item think about either the lessons or the resources, you have gained from that change. There will be a mixture of positive change and change that may have difficult for you. Even from change that was difficult, some of the great’s lessons emerge. It can feel tough when you are going through change. But once you’re on the other side you have learned and grown from the experience.

That’s why this practice is so powerful. It reminds us that even in difficult circumstances. We raise to the challenge and get through the change. We have the resources within us we have been through change before and we survived.

2. Opening up the change.

The more we resist change the more difficult we make it for ourselves. While we know this on a conscious leave, we still seem to love to resist change. We want to stay in our comfort zone where it is familiar and safe. But change is enviable. Everything changes no matter how much we want to keep it the same. Life is constantly evolving, let us make it easier on ourselves by opening up to change. Being open to change allows us the grace to be present and to feel what is coming up.

Sit with the feeling and allowing the feeling to be there. It may feel uncomfortable. But have you noticed the more you try and resist the more uncomfortable the feeling becomes? Try allowing the feeling to be there. Bring your attention to the feeling and breath into it. Then allow yourself to open up to the feeling, without pushing it away, allow any feeling to be there as it is. Without pushing or fighting. Continue to observe any sensations you feel. If the feeling changes that is ok. If it doesn’t change that is ok also. The goal here is not to get rid of the feeling. The aim is to allow the feeling to be there.

You may be asking what the point of this exercise is if you feel uncomfortable. This exercise is about showing you that uncomfortable feelings can arise within you. But, the more you push and try to get rid of them, the more uncomfortable and challenged your feelings. Through this struggle with feeling, you make the change more painful for yourself. By allowing the feelings to be there and being with it. You eventually drop the struggles with the feeling. You open up to and make room for the feeling. You’re making life easier for yourself. By allowing yourself to be open and flow with the change without resistance.

3. Show yourself compassion

One of the most important practices, when change happens, is to show compassion. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Take care of yourself. A simple way to show yourself compassion during times of change. Is to use compassionate hands practice.  Take your right hand and place it over your heart. Place your left hand on the upper part of your stomach. Imagine your hands are filled with loving compassionate energy. As you hold yourself with these compassionate hands. Allow yourself to take some slow deep breaths. You may want to repeat to yourself “ I am okay”

This practice can be used anytime you need to show yourself love and compassion, during challenging times.  (I have recorded a guided practice for this here 

Change within our lives is enviable. Things will change around us and within us no matter how much we want to hold onto the way things are. As you walk the pathway of change remind yourself. You have resources within you, you have been through change before. Resisting change makes, it is more difficult to allow yourself to open up to the feeling. The most important thing to remember is when you experiencing change, hold yourself with love and compassion

If you need more support with the change you are experiencing in your life please please get in touch with me or have a look at my work with me page. I would love to support you during this time.