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Welcome To Be In Harmony Blog
Welcome to my blog, where you’ll find support and guidance through the challenges of menopause. From sudden mood swings and stubborn weight gain to disrupted sleep and mental fog, these changes can leave you feeling out of balance. But you don’t have to face them alone. This blog is packed with resources to help women regain control of their mind, body, and emotions, so you can thrive during menopause.
How To Make Your Needs a Priority
Do you put others needs before your own needs? Why do you feel the need to put yourselves last? Is it because you think it is selfish to put your needs first? Often as children, we are told to think of others. We were encouraged to allow others to go before us and to...
A Guide to Travel in Lombok
Welcome to Lombok You may not be as familiar with Lombok as you are with Bali. But let me reassure you Lombok has a lot of great things going for it. Lombok is located east of Bali about a 2-hour boat trip or 1-hour flight from Bali. Bali and Lombok may be similar in...
An Introverts Guide to Pursuing Your Passion
As an introvert, you can be quick to talk yourself out of pursuing your passion. As an introvert, you can be quick to talk yourself out of pursuing your passion. That little voice loves to tell you all the reasons why you should stay in your comfort zone and not...
The Pathway of change
A guide to navigating change in your life) At one point or another, we need to walk the pathway of change. Change is never easy. I will admit I never enjoy change. I like it when things are predictable and I have a plan. I will confess I like to feel I am in control....
How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally
Have you ever been harsh or critical with yourself? Learn how to reduce anxiety naturally and instantly. Anxiety is something most of us will struggle with at one point or another in our lives. The sudden sensation of racing heart, fast shallow breaths, the mind...
Tips for Practicing Self-Compassion and Kindness
Have you ever been harsh or critical with yourself? My guess is the answer is “YES”. Did you know as humans, we are much harsher on ourselves than we are with other people? Think about it, have you secretly blamed and then beaten yourself up with negative self-talk....
A Guide To Self -Compassion
Many of us struggle with self-compassion. I personally view myself as a compassionate person, but self-compassion is something I have struggled with, in my own life. I’ve had to learn the skills of how to be kind and compassionate towards myself. Self-compassion takes...
A Journey of Self Reflection
Recent events have touched us all in a deep and profound way. We have been forced to slow down and withdraw from our fast pace way of life. The life we once knew of filling every minute of every day with busy busy … came to a grinding halt. Without the busyness...
Five Ways To Release Emotional Overwhelm
Let’s face it we can all agree on one thing, 2020 has been a year to remember. We have all been affected in one way or another I have been reflecting lately on the impact this year has had on my own personal emotional health. I have noticed that there is a lingering...
Developing a sense of connection to ourselves is about having a stronger sense of awareness of who we truly are. Our unique strengths, gifts, and ideas. It means going within and not looking outside of ourselves to fill the sense of connection. Often we look to the...
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Hypnotherapy & Counselling
0402 405 400
Berwick, Victoria, Australia
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